Wednesday, September 25, 2013

95 Theses for Christian Racial & Ethnic Unity: #59

To plead the blood of Jesus in our racialized society is to confess that white Christians like me need to learn from the black church’s prophetic tradition of apocalyptic hope and radical love what it means to be the church. We need to be struck dead in the social space that black folks own and wake up to find ourselves under the leadership of [black] folks. . .only they can teach us what it means to be the church in America. Only with them can we become the body of Christ. The blood of Jesus is what brings us near. It’s the blood that makes it possible for white Christians to stop worshipping white power and learn from those who have known the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. 

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Free to Be Bound: Church Beyond the Color Line (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2008), 134-135.

[Read the Introduction to 95 Theses for Christian Racial & Ethnic Unity here.]

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