Monday, September 23, 2013

95 Theses for Christian Racial & Ethnic Unity: #57

The miracle of the black church in America is that somehow, in a story told by oppressors, the oppressed heard the good news—and believed it. [There is] the double miracle of the black church in America. The first miracle is that a people torn from their homes and brutally enslaved in a land not their own would learn the gospel from their white oppressors and hear it as good news. But the second miracle is even more profound: that after centuries of oppression and disenfranchisement at the hands of white folks, black Christians would pray for us, love us, and invite us to come and learn from what it means to plead the blood of Jesus. There are some things that nobody but God can do.

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Free to Be Bound: Church Beyond the Color Line (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2008), 133.

[Read the Introduction to 95 Theses for Christian Racial & Ethnic Unity here.]

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