Tuesday, September 24, 2013

95 Theses for Christian Racial & Ethnic Unity: #58

White supremacy has been more determinative than the blood of Jesus in shaping our worship, our readings of Scripture, our economic relationships, our political affiliations, our notions of what is beautiful, even our preferences in entertainment. White supremacy is a principality that shapes how we live and makes our lives a living death. We have, for centuries, been held captive within the logic of race by the ruler of the kingdom of the air. . . .We can’t forget that white power is a dead-end enterprise. . .We can’t forget that the assumption of power over and against love is inscribed in the identity of whiteness.

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Free to Be Bound: Church Beyond the Color Line (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2008), 134-135.

[Read the Introduction to 95 Theses for Christian Racial & Ethnic Unity here.]

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