As this time of year is the season of birth(s) and beginnings, what
some call
Advent, or an all-out capitalist bonanza at the store of your choice, it is also a time to remember a death--the 20-year commemoration of the passing of James Baldwin.
Readers of this blog are already aware of my affection for St. James.
Democracy Now recently devoted part of a show to Baldwin's legacy, interviewing his sister-in-law Carole Weinstein as well as actor Calvin Levels, who is performing a one-man-show of James Baldwin called "
James Baldwin: Down From the Mountaintop." Hopefully it will come to Houston. (Read a review
As I reflect on the life of St. James, particularly during the Advent season, I'm drawn to the hope--critical, exacting, honest, and yes, prophetic--resident in Baldwin's writing, his plays, his speaking, and above all the hope evidenced by his living. And, in a sense, Baldwin's words, whether written or spoken, seem to never return void.
So take time during the holiday season to read something of Jimmy's--
The Fire Next Time,
Another Country,
Nobody Knows My Name, or anything else that comes to mind. Share your reflections and thoughts--gift someone with Baldwin during the holidays.
Or, you can following Baldwin on-line. Watch a C-SPAN special
here. Visit the blog of Professor Zero who has a page of
Baldwin links. For those more familiar with Baldwin's work, there's tons to read
here, or
here. Or, read Baldwin
quotes with links to other great sites.
Finally, artist
Claire Burch has created some wonderfully stunning
artwork with Baldwin as its subject, shares
articles and letters, and offers
poetic reflections on St. James as well--ironically titled "Arrival of James Baldwin; Mysterious Circumstances."
This is Advent with St. James.
[Photo credit